All functions can be managed by the touch screen. Choosing the handpiece, selecting the surgical type, switching from one handpiece to the other is just a touch on the screen.
PIEZOSURGERY® plus device - setup instructions
A manifold list of advantages and benefits, which appear during and after surgery
Maximum safety for surgeons and patients. Reduced risk of damaging soft tissues (dura, nerves and vessels).
Maximum surgical precision and intra-operative tactile sensation. Minimal bone loss through the cutting depth
Maximum intra-operative visibility. Blood-free surgical site.
Better and faster bone healing
Reduced the postoperative swelling and discomfort.
Osteotomy tissue sections, Gomori trichrome stain. Histomorphometric analysis performed 15 days after osteotomy with bone bur (Bb), Piezosurgery® medical device (Pm) and the new Piezosurgery® plus device (Pp) shows that the thickness (red dotted line) of the osteotomy (between the 2 blue dotted lines) is significantly higher in Bb with respect to Pm and Pp.
BV/TV % values. The area of newly deposited bone (BV) with respect to the total area (TV) of the osteotomy (expressed as %) is higher with Pm and Pp than with Bb, this difference is not statistically significant.
Maximum efficiency, maximum control, maximum performance - you name it: PIEZOSURGERY® plus is the device for everyone who wants everything - and can be used for nearly all surgical applications; from reconstructive to maxillofacial and neurosurgery.
Innovative features including two different channels with different handpieces produce perfect results in nearly every surgical field.
PIEZOSURGERY® plus is equipped with APC (Automatic Precision Control) software, which guarantees maximum safety. The software automatically recognizes deviations from normal functioning and stops the device in less than 150 ms. The error message on the screen allows for easy restoration of operating conditions. Two independent handpieces are provided, allowing for greater flexibility and performance during surgery.
PIEZOSURGERY® plus is equipped with smart software. For each surgical tip, the software automatically sets the optimal working settings. Power and irrigation levels can also be adjusted manually depending on the surgical needs.
PIEZOSURGERY® is mectron's original piezoelectric surgical technique, the only one validated by 15 years of scientific publications and research.
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